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What Are the Black Streaks on My Roof?

March 10, 2022
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AlexandriaHow ToIn The PressRoof ReplacementWindow Replacement

We are a local and family owned business founded in Virginia. This means we know all about the extreme humidity and what it can do to your roof. The black streaks on the roof are cause by algae growth. Many homeowners might mistake it for dirt, or mold. The streaking doesn't mean your roof is defective, but it might be a good idea to treat it properly so it doesn't affect your curb appeal.

What is causing the black streaking?

The black streaks running down roofs are actually a hardy algae called gloeocapsa magma. This is commonly found in the warmer, humid parts of the U.S. They develop a dark, hardened outer coating, which results in the black stains that appear on your roof.  

Can I remove the black streaking from my roof?

When you start to notice the black algae on your roof, you'll want to treat it as soon as you can. If you're looking to sell your home in the future, you will want to make sure your roof looks as good as possible. It is much easier to treat early on, rather than waiting until the stain spreads.  

To reduce the appearance of black algae, create a 1:1 mixture of bleach and water in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area and let the bleach do its work for about 20 minutes. Depending on how thick or dense your streaking is, you will want to repeat these steps to ensure you clean the area thoroughly. Then spray your roof with lots of water to wash away all of the bleach. Make sure your plants are protected and aren't harmed by the run off. You can water your plants to make sure that any trace of bleach is no longer present.

Do not scrub or use a power washer to clean your roof. This could reduce the lifespan of your roof and ruin your shingles.  

If you do not have experience with roof cleaning or have the correct safety equipment, do not try to treat your roof yourself. Call a professional to clean your shingles for you, so you can avoid those costly mistakes.

Care for your roof

In the process of cleaning your roof, inspect it for any damages. A roof is a vital part of your home and if you have any concerns, call an expert. If you have missing shingles or streaking, they can be repaired for a short time, but it would be wise to replace it if it is old. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of replacing your roof.  

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